Help Take Back Idaho From Extremism

Take Back Idaho's mission is to maintain the peaceful and respectful way of life that Idahoans have enjoyed for generations. They provide crucial information needed to make informed voting decisions, utilizing a variety of mediums backed by data and evidence.

Take Back Idaho emphasizes empowering Idahoans by providing context and data on special interest groups that use confrontational tactics to promote self-serving agendas that do not prioritize the well-being of Idaho citizens.

We've assembled a team of Idahoans who are committed to helping Idahoans identify extremism and use their experience to help educate and combat misinformation.

Meet the Take Back Idaho PAC Board of Directors

Extremist organizations in Idaho use the confrontational politics playbook that is designed to intimidate and strike fear toward anyone who dares speak up against their misinformation. It takes courage to take a stand against the paper tiger organizations who attempt to force their agenda upon our state to benefit their donors and appease their base.

Our board members have been engaged in Idaho policy-making for decades. Our group includes former Idaho Attorney General and retired State Supreme Court Justice, former Republican Speaker of the House, former Secretary of State, state education leaders, and long-time advocates for common sense solutions.

Our non-partisan board represents Idaho values across the state.

Latest Articles

Take Back Idaho Applauds Idaho Voters for Rejecting McGeachin, Giddings, Moon, Durst

GOP Primary a referendum on Idaho Freedom Foundation factions BLACKFOOT, Idaho (May 17, 2022) – In the wake of last night’s Republican primary election, the Take Back Idaho board is pleased to recognize the efforts of Idaho voters who turned out to reject extremist candidates at the ballot box.The more that Idaho voters learned about divisive fringe candidates like Janice…

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Idaho desperately needs help from its independent voters on May 17

By Jim Jones Article 1, section 19 of the Idaho Constitution boldly proclaims: “No power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere with or prevent the free and lawful exercise of the right of suffrage.” The right to vote is one of the most important tools we citizens have to shape the future of our State for ourselves and…

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Stakes are too high for unaffiliated voters to sit out Idaho’s May 17 primary election

Voting has been a big part of my life. I worked in the office of the Idaho secretary of state from 1974 to 2015, including 26 years as chief deputy to Pete Cenarrusa and 12 years as secretary of state. Probably more than anyone else in the state, I can attest that elections do matter. I’ve seen good governments replaced…

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Extreme Candidates Moon, Giddings Among von Ehlinger’s Champions

Today, the disgraced former legislator was convicted of rape  BLACKFOOT, Idaho (April 29, 2022) – Take Back Idaho is drawing attention to the ties between officials running for constitutional office in the upcoming Republican primary and Aaron von Ehlinger, the 39-year-old former legislator who was convicted today of raping a 19-year-old statehouse intern, Jane Doe.  “First of all, we want…

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Idaho’s schools are not failing – let’s recognize their success

By Don Coberly, Geoffrey Thomas, Wil Overgaard At a recent House Education Committee hearing on HB627 (now revised as HB 723), a bill to move state funding for schools from average daily attendance (ADA) to enrollment, committee member Representative Judy Boyle said that she could not support continuing to pay for “failing schools.” She repeated the statement again for emphasis. Her comment came…

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Elected Officials Must Unite in Rejecting Political Violence

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Friday, March 18, 2022 MEDIA CONTACT Jennifer Ellis, Board Chair (208) 681 – 6004 Elected Officials Must Unite in Rejecting Political Violence Janice McGeachin joins Ammon Bundy in elevating extremists whose threats and doxxing shut down Idaho’s largest hospital  BLACKFOOT, Idaho (March 18, 2022) – Take Back Idaho has released the following statement on the escalation of…

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Idaho Can Use Your Help

By Douglas Siddoway There was a time you could tell someone you were from Idaho and the only response it would elicit would be something about potatoes or the skiing in Sun Valley.  I would know.  I grew up in the southeastern part of the state.  My family has farmed and ranched there for six generations. Mention the Gem State…

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Take Back Idaho Calls for McGeachin to Resign After Speech to White Nationalist Convention

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022 MEDIA CONTACT Jennifer Ellis, Board Chair(208) 681-6004 Take Back Idaho Calls for McGeachin to Resign After Speech to White Nationalist Convention AFPAC attendees shouted support for Putin during five-hour event BLACKFOOT, Idaho (Feb. 26, 2022) – Take Back Idaho issued the following statement, calling on Idaho Lieutenant Governor Janice McGeachin to resign after learning…

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Bundy Dropping Out of Primary Consolidates Militia, Radical Extremist Support for McGeachin

Bundy’s failed campaign in debt as extremists continue to flock to Lt Gov McGeachin BOISE (Feb. 17, 2022) – Take Back Idaho, an anti-extremist group helmed by many life-long Idaho Republicans, has issued the following statement regarding Ammon Bundy’s decision to drop out of the Republican race for Idaho governor. From former Republican House Speaker Bruce Newcomb:  “This Republican gubernatorial primary…

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What the education freedom pledge really means

There is a pledge being circulated throughout the United States whereby state legislators and governors can make a vow to privatize public education and “to take their children’s taxpayer-funded education dollars to the education providers of their choosing – whether it be public, private, charter, or homeschool” Idahoans can already choose to enroll their student(s) in public charter schools, which…

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