Help Take Back Idaho From Extremism

Take Back Idaho's mission is to maintain the peaceful and respectful way of life that Idahoans have enjoyed for generations. They provide crucial information needed to make informed voting decisions, utilizing a variety of mediums backed by data and evidence.

Take Back Idaho emphasizes empowering Idahoans by providing context and data on special interest groups that use confrontational tactics to promote self-serving agendas that do not prioritize the well-being of Idaho citizens.

We've assembled a team of Idahoans who are committed to helping Idahoans identify extremism and use their experience to help educate and combat misinformation.

Meet the Take Back Idaho PAC Board of Directors

Extremist organizations in Idaho use the confrontational politics playbook that is designed to intimidate and strike fear toward anyone who dares speak up against their misinformation. It takes courage to take a stand against the paper tiger organizations who attempt to force their agenda upon our state to benefit their donors and appease their base.

Our board members have been engaged in Idaho policy-making for decades. Our group includes former Idaho Attorney General and retired State Supreme Court Justice, former Republican Speaker of the House, former Secretary of State, state education leaders, and long-time advocates for common sense solutions.

Our non-partisan board represents Idaho values across the state.

Latest Articles

Idaho must not put out the welcome mat for domestic terrorists

Idaho’s landmark Terrorist Control Act (TCA) will be rendered useless if the Idaho House of Representatives passes a bill approved by the Senate on January 25. Among other things, the TCA made it a serious felony for those who commit criminal acts that are “dangerous to human life” and intended to “intimidate or coerce” either the public or governmental policymakers.Senate…

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Guns In Schools Bill H415: Another Solution in Search of A Problem

Currently, Idaho school district Boards of Education are permitted to enact policies that allow for district employees, with permission from school and district administration and the Board, to carry concealed weapons. Numerous Idaho districts have enacted such policies. Recently, the Idaho House of Representatives passed H415, a bill written by the National Rifle Association and sponsored by Rep. Ted Hill…

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Take Back Idaho Publishes 5,000+ Deleted Tweets from IFF Consultant Dave Reilly, Revealing Shocking Levels of Anti-Semitism and Hate

BOISE – A newly published archive of more than 5,000 deleted tweets from Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF) consultant Dave Reilly reveals previously unreported and deeply troubling anti-Semitic and misogynistic statements and his strong support for Nick Fuentes, a prominent white nationalist and anti-Semite.  Among Reilly’s most offensive deleted tweets: He calls Judaism “the religion of anti-Christ,” he echoes Holocaust denial…

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Idaho Freedom Foundation’s “Don’t Say Vouchers Bill” — Round 2

The case for HB 447, the bill that would use public funds disguised as tax credits and grants to fund private schools, goes something like this: Parents have the right to determine what their school-aged children are taught and where they are taught. Idaho’s public schools are not only failing these children; they are exposing them to ways of thinking…

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How Horman, Moyle, and the Idaho Freedom Foundation Hijacked the Budget Process to Protect Their Friends

This is a story about people in power punishing legislators who put their constituents before party leadership. It is also, unfortunately, a true story now playing out in depressing fashion behind closed Republican doors in the Idaho Statehouse. For those of you who closely follow Idaho politics, what you’re about to read will come as no surprise. You know how…

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Let’s not render Idaho’s domestic terrorism law useless

Idaho’s landmark Terrorist Control Act (TCA) will be rendered useless if the Idaho House of Representatives passes a bill approved by the Senate on January 25. Among other things, the TCA made it a serious felony for those who commit criminal acts that are “dangerous to human life” and intended to “intimidate or coerce” either the public or governmental policymakers.…

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Idaho politics

Dark money interests target Idaho’s treasury with “school choice” scheme

Two interest groups that have drawn support from out-of-state dark-money interests are once again supporting  a scheme to raid Idaho taxpayer funds to finance private, religious and home schooling. This time the drain of public money comes in the guise of a tax credit which would deplete public money that should go to shoring up Idaho’s under-financed public school system.…

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In Remembrance: The Idaho Freedom Foundation (2009-2024)

With a complex blend of emotions, we announce the passing of the Idaho Freedom Foundation. The organization has succumbed to a painful, undiagnosed case of Chronic Hypocrisy. The IFF we all knew over the last ten years is dead. From its ashes rises something much worse: a flailing network of extremist groups that actively defend white supremacists and push authoritarian…

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Take Back Idaho

Take Back Idaho Launches Campaign to Combat Extremism and Misinformation

Boise, ID, January 4, 2024 – Take Back Idaho PAC, which is dedicated to protecting Idaho from extremism and misinformation, are ramping up their nonpartisan efforts to ensure a more informed electorate and over time, a return to civil discourse in the Gem State. The organization boasts a diverse and experienced board of directors, including former Attorney General and State…

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Take Back Idaho Condemns Election of Dorothy Moon to Idaho GOP Party Chair

Moon’s Chairmanship Represents a Dangerous Lurch to the Fringes of the Party BLACKFOOT, Idaho (July 16, 2022) – Take Back Idaho’s board issued the following statement in response to Dorothy Moon’s election to Idaho Republican Party State Chair: “Dorothy Moon’s election to Idaho GOP leadership is absolutely disturbing. Moon’s dangerous gallery of associations— including militant Ammon Bundy, militia leader Eric Parker,…

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