Help Take Back Idaho From Extremism

Take Back Idaho's mission is to maintain the peaceful and respectful way of life that Idahoans have enjoyed for generations. They provide crucial information needed to make informed voting decisions, utilizing a variety of mediums backed by data and evidence.

Take Back Idaho emphasizes empowering Idahoans by providing context and data on special interest groups that use confrontational tactics to promote self-serving agendas that do not prioritize the well-being of Idaho citizens.

We've assembled a team of Idahoans who are committed to helping Idahoans identify extremism and use their experience to help educate and combat misinformation.

Meet the Take Back Idaho PAC Board of Directors

Extremist organizations in Idaho use the confrontational politics playbook that is designed to intimidate and strike fear toward anyone who dares speak up against their misinformation. It takes courage to take a stand against the paper tiger organizations who attempt to force their agenda upon our state to benefit their donors and appease their base.

Our board members have been engaged in Idaho policy-making for decades. Our group includes former Idaho Attorney General and retired State Supreme Court Justice, former Republican Speaker of the House, former Secretary of State, state education leaders, and long-time advocates for common sense solutions.

Our non-partisan board represents Idaho values across the state.

Latest Articles

Stapilus: Tectonic shift

Don’t let anyone tell you Idaho politics is forever unchangeable. One of the biggest changes in its politics in the last generation is happening as we speak, and not very many people have even noticed. It is a change within the state’s dominant Republican Party, and its implications will become unavoidably clear in the coming year. A quarter-century ago, you’d…

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Group aims to ‘take back’ Idaho from extremist politics

By MADISON HARDYStaff Writer | December 17, 2021 1:08 AM Recent claims of extremism in the Idaho Legislature have sparked a new citizen committee that hopes to “restore reason” to the lawmaking body in the 2022 election. The Take Back Idaho (TBI) political action committee features an array of past elected officials and public figures who stated in a news release that the…

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Longtime Idaho activists are bringing the fight to “extremist” lawmakers at the ballot box

A bipartisan group of longtime political activists and politicians is pushing back against Idaho legislators whom they view as “extremists.” Jennifer Ellis, a Blackfoot rancher and former president of the Idaho Cattle Association, will lead the Take Back Idaho Committee. “This vocal minority has replaced civility and common sense with conspiracy theories, fringe views, and cheap political theatre,” Ellis said in…

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Citizen committee forms to counter extremism in the Idaho Legislature

A newly-formed committee of respected Idahoans is aiming to restore reason and responsibility to the Idaho Legislature. The Take Back Idaho Committee aims to hold lawmakers accountable and cull extremists from the law-making body in the 2022 primary election. Who better to head up the effort of corralling irresponsible legislators than a Blackfoot rancher? Committee Chair Jennifer Ellis, a rancher…

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The Idaho Freedom Foundation demonstrates its higher education model

When Idaho Freedom Foundation President Wayne Hoffman indicated that IFF wanted to dismantle Idaho’s public education system, many wondered what, if anything, the group had in mind to replace it. In a February 2019 opinion piece, Hoffman spelled out the group’s antipathy to public education: “I don’t think government should be in the education business. It is the most virulent form of…

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Return Local Control To Our Communities

2020-21 was a long year for Idaho school districts. The pandemic wrought havoc on everyone, including students, parents, teachers, administrators, and school boards. Masks and school closures sparked controversy among those in favor and those against, and educators felt the brunt of “never making the right decision”. But they persevered, and the last few months of the school year appeared…

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The College Wreckers

So a group of extremists got themselves elected to a local governing board. Is it really a big deal? What’s the worst that could happen? Welcome to North Idaho College, where since its founding in 1933 many thousands have gotten a useful education. Here, three culture war zealots have become the majority on the elected governing board, and NIC is…

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What’s worse than ‘hell to pay?’ — Idaho being ruled by the IFF

Wayne Hoffman, the chief bottle washer of the so-called Idaho Freedom Foundation, announced on December 3 that he was contemplating the horrible fate that would befall Idaho’s colleges and universities for an alleged failure to follow IFF’s curriculum instructions. On December 7 (the Day of Infamy) last year, Hoffman decreed there would be “hell to pay” if the schools did not stop…

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