Idaho Can Use Your Help

By Douglas Siddoway There was a time you could tell someone you were from Idaho and the only response it would elicit would be something about potatoes or the skiing in Sun Valley.  I would know.  I grew up in the southeastern part of the state.  My family has farmed and ranched there for six…

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Take Back Idaho Calls for McGeachin to Resign After Speech to White Nationalist Convention

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022 MEDIA CONTACT Jennifer Ellis, Board Chair(208) 681-6004 Take Back Idaho Calls for McGeachin to Resign After Speech to White Nationalist Convention AFPAC attendees shouted support for Putin during five-hour event BLACKFOOT, Idaho (Feb. 26, 2022) – Take Back Idaho issued the following statement, calling on Idaho Lieutenant Governor Janice…

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What the education freedom pledge really means

There is a pledge being circulated throughout the United States whereby state legislators and governors can make a vow to privatize public education and “to take their children’s taxpayer-funded education dollars to the education providers of their choosing – whether it be public, private, charter, or homeschool” Idahoans can already choose to enroll their student(s)…

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Stapilus: Tectonic shift

Don’t let anyone tell you Idaho politics is forever unchangeable. One of the biggest changes in its politics in the last generation is happening as we speak, and not very many people have even noticed. It is a change within the state’s dominant Republican Party, and its implications will become unavoidably clear in the coming…

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Group aims to ‘take back’ Idaho from extremist politics

By MADISON HARDYStaff Writer | December 17, 2021 1:08 AM Recent claims of extremism in the Idaho Legislature have sparked a new citizen committee that hopes to “restore reason” to the lawmaking body in the 2022 election. The Take Back Idaho (TBI) political action committee features an array of past elected officials and public figures who stated in…

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Longtime Idaho activists are bringing the fight to “extremist” lawmakers at the ballot box

A bipartisan group of longtime political activists and politicians is pushing back against Idaho legislators whom they view as “extremists.” Jennifer Ellis, a Blackfoot rancher and former president of the Idaho Cattle Association, will lead the Take Back Idaho Committee. “This vocal minority has replaced civility and common sense with conspiracy theories, fringe views, and cheap…

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Citizen committee forms to counter extremism in the Idaho Legislature

A newly-formed committee of respected Idahoans is aiming to restore reason and responsibility to the Idaho Legislature. The Take Back Idaho Committee aims to hold lawmakers accountable and cull extremists from the law-making body in the 2022 primary election. Who better to head up the effort of corralling irresponsible legislators than a Blackfoot rancher? Committee…

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